In a disparate legal landscape, how should Operators of Essential Services (OESs), operating across several EU countries, structure their approach to compliance?
This year, Wavestone is partnering with BPI France to present the 2020 French cybersecurity startups radar. By combining their expertise and the results of their sector monitoring, Wavestone and BPI aim to provide an up-to-date representation of the situation of cybersecurity startups in France.
Across all industries, and across all countries, this crisis has highlighted the need for strong Operational Resilience embedded in the organisation. This article will take you through our key observations of the market during the crisis and the lessons we can take for Operational Resilience.
With many companies being forced to adopt remote working policies, network infrastructure is under more strain than ever, requiring both tactical and strategic solutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic will teach us many things, but when it comes to IT, Wavestone foresees that it will particularly highlight the shortfalls in how organisations support their IT, while being a major catalyst for the adoption of more hybrid cloud models.
Faced with the current health crisis, organisations must focus their efforts on regaining control over their cybersecurity and launching priority projects to meet the challenges of the coming months.