In accordance with Article 6 III-1 of Act No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on trust in the digital economy, we inform you that:

  • This website is the property of Wavestone, a company with capital of €622,658.30 registered with the registre du commerce et des sociétés de Paris [Paris Register of Trade and Companies] as entity number 377 550 249, whose registered office is at Tour Franklin 100-101 Boieldieu Terrace, 92042 Paris La Défense CEDEX (Email : Tel: +33 (0)1 49 03 20 00);
  • The website’s publishing director is Pascal Imbert in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer;
  • The provider who assures website hosting is Alterway: 227 Bureaux de la colline, 1 rue Royale – Bat. D, 92210 Saint-Cloud, France. Email:

Information Collected

Wavestone may ask you to provide personally identifiable information and other information on the Contact and Apply pages (from the Careers tab) of the website. Depending on the information or services you ask for, you may be asked to provide your name, email address and other information. In addition to the information you knowingly provide, Wavestone may collect location or browser information from Google Analytics to compile usage statistics and browser histories. Wavestone uses this information to conduct its business, promote its services and administer its website more effectively.
Wavestone does not collect any personally identifiable information about you through your online activities over time.

Information Collection Methods

In addition to the methods described above, we and our service providers collect information through the use of cookies. These methods allow us to collect various types of information, including the pages you visit. We and our service providers use this information to monitor and improve our websites. For more information about our cookie policy, please visit

Protection of information

Wavestone strives to protect your personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized alteration. Wavestone has reasonably effective administrative, technical and physical safeguards in place to protect your personal information.

Verification or updating of personal information

To ensure that you have as much control as possible over the personally identifiable information and other information you provide, you may, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), make a request to We will process any changes you request within a reasonable time; however, requests for deletion of information are subject to Wavestone’s internal disclosure and retention policies and all applicable legal obligations.

International transfers

We are an international firm and your data could be transferred to our offices anywhere in the world, including countries outside the European Economic Area, i.e. the United States, Hong Kong, Morocco and Switzerland. The website is hosted on servers located in France.


Email addresses and personal data received via contact forms are subject to data processing in order to address the issue raised. These data are not retained.


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