Operational indicators

  09/30/2023 (S1) 12/31/2023 (9 months) 03/31/2024 (FY) 06/30/2024 (T1)
Utilization rate 73% 73% 73% 73%
Average daily rate € 900 € 898 € 898 € 944
Order Book 3.6 months 4.2 months 4.1 months 4.3 months
Headcounts 4,305 5,764 5,894 5,868

Simplified income statement

(€m) 2023/24 2022/23 VARIATION 2023/24 pro forma2
Revenue 701.1 532.3 +32% 948.3
Recurring operating profit1 101.3 77 +32% 123.9
Recurring operating margin 14.5% 14.5% 13.1%
Operating income 85.8 72.7 +18% 103.4
Net profit 58.6 50.1 +17% 68.5
Net margin 8.4% 9.4%
Group share of net income 58.2 50.1 +16% 67.7


1 Recurring Operating Profit (ROP) is an alternative performance indicator related to current activities. This indicator corresponds to the « Operating income » adjusted for the following amortization of customer relationships and other operating income and expenses. It should be noted that the ROP is identical to the aggregate previously named EBIT (“résultat opérationnel courant”) in Wavestone’s financial communication.
2 the 2023/24 pro forma accounts have been calculated as if the acquisitions of Q_PERIOR and Aspirant Consulting had taken place on April 1, 2023.

(€m) H1 2022/23 H1 2022/23 VARIATION
Revenue 276.7 237.1 +17%
EBIT 36.8 29.7 +24%
EBIT margin 13.3% 12.5%
Operating profit 33.2 25.7 +29%
Group share of net income 23.0 17.9 +28%
Net margin 8.3% 7.6%

Summary cash flow statement

(€m) 2023/24 2022/23
Self-financing capacity before net financial debt and tax expenses 101.8 83.8
Net cash flow from operating 83.1 41.1
Net cash flow from investments (69.0) (52.7)
Net cash flow from financing operations (7.4) (25.8)
Change in cash & equivalents 6.7 (37.4)
(€m) H1 2022/23 H1 2022/23
Self financing capacity before net financial debt and tax costs 39.4 30.1
Change in working capital (20.3) (25.4)
Net cash flow from operating activities 9.3 (7.5)
Net cash flow from investing activities (6.5) (52.1)
Net cash flow from financing activities (19.7) (21.1)
Change in cash & equivalents (16.9) (80.8)

Breakdown of share capital

Balance sheet