Wavestone, a committed company

At Wavestone, we are convinced that a company’s performance is measured not only by its financial results, but also by its positive impact on society and the environment. That’s why we have made our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach a key part of our corporate strategy. Based on the most material issues identified, and in line with the firm’s business model, Wavestone has decided to express its CSR policy in 5 commitments:

  • Improve our clients’ satisfaction and support them towards sustainable performance
  • Promote employee commitment, well-being and quality of life at work
  • Promote diversity and create an inclusive working environment where everyone is free to be themselves and has the same opportunities to reveal their potential.
  • Be an ethical and responsible company
  • Minimize the impact of our activities on the environment

Recognized for its extra-financial performance, the firm aims to remain at the forefront of CSR.

Wavestone’s CSR strategy has been defined collaboratively throughout the firm, and is embodied in the actions of our employees. On a daily basis, we are all responsible for Wavestone’s positive impact on its stakeholders, both internal and external to the company.

To find out more about our involvement, visit our Corporate Social Responsibility page.


Powerday is the annual event that enables all our employees to get actively involved in a solidarity initiative. Over the course of a day, each and every one makes a commitment to the field action or skills sponsorship of his or her choice: painting, gardening, meal distribution, management training, hackathon…

Open to all employees, in all our countries and offices, this large-scale initiative provides concrete support for societal causes, while bringing all our teams together around corporate values. Every year, almost 40% of the company’s employees take part in Powerday, regardless of seniority or position. In addition to Powerday, teams have the opportunity to take part in pro bono consulting missions for associations.

In short, this means +110 associations supported by 2023 and +10 000 man-days of free advice by 2022-23.

Discover PowerDay on video!

Provide equal opportunities for everyone

The Wavestone Foundation

Since its creation in 2009, the Wavestone Foundation has been working in France and abroad, supporting and developing initiatives to help disadvantaged children, mainly in situations of poverty or extreme deprivation. When selecting the actions it supports, the Wavestone Foundation pays particular attention to the sustainability of the projects and the principle of empowering the beneficiaries. To date, 204 projects with a strong socio-educational content have been supported, mainly in Africa and Asia, as well as 10 emergency projects (war in Ukraine, earthquakes in Turkey and Syria). In fiscal year 2022/23, some 55 employees took part in the Wavestone Corporate Foundation.

Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak

We are a partner of the Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak, an innovative educational program that aims to make excellence in higher education accessible to all. This sponsorship is based on the sponsorship of students with potential, but who are encountering difficulties in their studies. Employees who wish to do so commit to accompanying one or more students throughout their three years of undergraduate studies. This privileged relationship is an opportunity to provide practical advice on the working world, with the aim of facilitating professional integration.

The firm has 100 sponsors and as many accompanied students.

Discover Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak


By 2022, Wavestone has committed to a trajectory of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, in line with SBTi’s Net-Zero Standard. In order to sustainably reduce our carbon footprint, 4 action levers have been prioritized:

  • Control emissions linked to business travel in a context of international growth, notably through an action plan launched to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel and the review of business travel policies in each country.
  • Optimize digital equipment and usage by extending the lifespan of PCs, take better care of the end-of-life of our IT equipment, and regularly organize a campaign to reduce employee storage space.
  • Reduce energy consumption on our premises by upgrading energy contracts in 2022 for eligible offices to be supplied with renewable or low-carbon electricity.
  • Minimize the impact of events on the environment through various measures such as working with local associations to redistribute uneaten surpluses, avoiding the use of single-use plastics and/or organizing recycling by type of material, avoiding the use of goodies, and using vegetarian meals.