
Since the summer of 2015, Wavestone has supported Carrefour France in defining and implementing its food e-commerce supply chain target models as part of the French retailer’s vast digital transformation plan.

Results and benefits

A number of projects have been successfully completed: development of operational models, advice on the design of automated logistics sites, the transport plan, the organization of collection points, and on the information systems associated with these new omni-channel flows.

The first undertakings are now operational in the form of order preparation platforms (Plateformes de Préparations de Commandes, referred to as “PPCs”), which are used to supply different types of collection points (hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, pedestrian drive outlets, etc.).

This new model offers a number of benefits: it helps to industrialize the order preparation process in order to reduce costs, brings customers a wide choice (some 20,000 item references), and delivers excellent quality of service to customers within very short time frames.

Two order preparation platforms are already up and running, one in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (38) in a warehouse covering 24,000 m2 that serves 60 stores/collection points in the urban area of Lyon, and which already handles more than 3,500 orders per day, the other – more recent – in Aulnay-sous-Bois (93) for the Northern Paris region.
These order preparation platforms will operate in France’s big cities.