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5 reasons your agile transformation is failing

Does your organisation want to be more agile? Here are 5 things to consider to prevent your transformation from failing

Bridging the Cloud Gap: 3 Reasons You Need a Cloud Operating Model

A cohesive Cloud Optimization Strategy (COS) can only take you so far. A strategic organisational framework is needed to bridge the gap between optimized cloud and regular operations by enabling direct cloud impact on business performance. Enter the Cloud Operating Model (COM).

2023 Operational Resilience Tooling Panorama

Discover our analysis of the tooling landscape reviews market trends and outlines challenges you should be aware of when selecting and implementing an operational resilience tool.

Accelerate Cloud Maturity with the Right Cloud Optimization Strategy

Migration is only the beginning of the cloud journey. Moving to the cloud is not enough to leverage its advantages – a central, organized framework is needed to direct efforts. Learn to formulate a strategy customized to your needs and optimize your cloud enterprise continuously with a Cloud Optimization Strategy.

CFOs & Cyberattacks: forewarned is forearmed

The Finance Department has a role to play in cybersecurity. Find out how.

Wavestone Strategy Brief Cover

Navigating Data and Ethics in the Age of AI

Build trust with effective data privacy, protection, and ethics

Swiss Cybersecurity Startups Radar 2022 - Wavestone

Cybersecurity Startups Radar: 2023, year of Post-Quantum in Switzerland

Who are Switzerland’s cybersecurity startups in 2023? Discover the complete list.

Optimize SLA Performance with 6 CSL and KPI Deployment Guidelines

Service level performance metrics can be classified into two categories: Critical Service Levels (CSLs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This blog examines the key differences between the two metrics, their functions, and how to best deploy them when defining your service levels.