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Retrouver la souveraineté Européenne en matière d'ia et de technologie

Artificial Intelligence: Will Europe catch up?

Europe is lagging behind in the Artificial Intelligence race, far behind the Chinese and American giants who are shaping this disruptive technology in their own hands. However, it can intelligently make up for lost time.

Technical Debt Risk Management in Public Sector

Our approach is to turn the conversation about technical debt on its head and away from focusing on the technology side and instead creating a common language to discuss the issues in business terms

Should the UK Public Sector prioritise refreshing its GDPR compliance performance in 2021?

Two years on from GDPR going live, it is the time for public sector bodies to review, assess, evaluate, remediate and automate existing GDPR Data Privacy processes and procedures.

Wall E Toy Vignette

COVID 19 : artificial intelligence appears to be the key answer to resolve the crisis

Emerging as one of the answers to the health crisis, AI will be at the heart of governments’ research and innovation investment plans

Wavestone x VivaTech

Pour cette quatrième édition, VivaTech s’était donné le défi de faire les choses en grand, et c’est un pari réussi ! Wavestone était présent sur le salon, pour la 3ème année consécutive, en tant que sponsor des espaces presses.

State Modernization: a sector going through an unprecedented digital revolution

Both the French state and France’s regional authorities are now fully engaged in innovation and the digital revolution,

the European Single Procurement Document

The European Single Procurement Document

This publication focuses first on the European Single Procurement Document market in Europe, and then analyses its particularities in France.

The blue economy

The blue economy: sustainable blue growth, a national opportunity?

The ever-growing world population is expected to rely more and more on marine resources.