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The API economy: why public APIs are so important

An API is a programmable doorway that enables separate entities to talk to each other in a standardized format.

The Potential of Blockchain in the Public Sector

The Potential of Blockchain in the Public Sector

There are some substantial benefits of blockchain’s decentralised model with its potential to rationalise central government processes, invoke more efficient data sharing and improve the transaction process.

g cloud

The G-cloud initiative is in delivery mode – what do you need to consider?

What should central government departments and local authorities consider when procuring through the G-cloud framework to maximise benefits and avoid risks?

public services network

Public Services Network: act now to deliver your vision

After three years of preparation, the Public Services Network is finally gathering momentum. For local authorities, this opens a range of opportunities.

business led innovation

Can business-led innovation be outsourced in local government?

Over the next five years, communication technology appears set to be one of the key drivers of innovation within local public service delivery.

Opening up public procurement data for better economic development

Opening up public procurement data for better economic development

As the Open Data movement continues to gain ground, transparency on public spending is both a civic duty and an opportunity for economic growth.

faster transformation projects in the public sector

Successful, faster transformation projects in the public sector and the implementation of reforms

As the public sector faces the challenges of transformation, reforms are more complex than ever. The Wavestone SCOT method adopts an agile and collaborative approach.