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Driving Business Agility In Supply Chain Management

Driving business agility in supply-chain management

Read about the work we did with our client, who is in the sports apparel business to improve their supply chain management with agile

Leroy Merlin is automating their storage for the benefit of their teams and performance

To support their growth and respond to performance and safety issues, Leroy Merlin has automated its Reau warehouse, which serves 140 stores. The company asked Wavestone to support them from A to Z on the project, from analyzing their sales, to choosing solutions, to deploying said solutions. The project was awarded the Grand Prix des Rois de la Supply Chain 2023.

Kersia implements Integrated Business Planning in Anaplan to optimize its production management

The world leader in food safety, Kersia seeks to optimize its production thanks to an Integrated Business Planning in order to cope with a very active external and internal growth.

Wavestone supports Carrefour with the deployment of its Supply Chain strategy for retail food e-commerce

The first undertakings are now operational in the form of order preparation platforms (Plateformes de Préparations de Commandes, referred to as “PPCs”), which are used to supply different types of collection points (hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, pedestrian drive outlets, etc.).

Wavestone helps La Redoute in the design and implementation of its new distribution centre at Wattrelos (France)

The ambition of La Redoute is to build up a modern and efficient logistics system able to ensure a very high service level in line with the new expectations of internet consumers.

Reducing cycle length in nuclear engineering design processes for the world leader in energy

The Engineering Division of global energy leader, EDF, launched an initiative among its business entities to demonstrate (through concrete results) Lean efficiency in its design activity and begin the process of wider roll-out of the approach.

A supply chain management (SCM) skills assessment for a major luxury-goods player and the definition of a training program for its logistics teams

Breakdowns at several sites involved in supply chain activities for this major luxury-goods player and a lack of awareness of activities between departments were limiting the overall performance of logistics teams.