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The key strategic challenges facing CIOs and their teams over 2023

What are the key strategic challenges facing CIOs over the next 12 months? Here the items to place at the top of every CIO’s ‘to do’ list.

2023: a year of building towards Web 3.0?

From the multinational to the start-up, from the precursor to the follower, in 2023, all players will be impacted in one way or another by Web 3.0.

Luxury Goods Sector, Metaverse and Web 3.0: will 2023 see a revolution in customer loyalty and experience?

In recent weeks, metavers and Web 3.0 seem to have drawn less positive press, which could lead the luxury sector to remain cautious in 2023.

Wavestone Strategy Brief Cover

Data and Analytics Leadership Annual Executive Survey 2023

Discover key findings on the state of data and analytics and where your organization stands among your peers with this 11th edition Special Report on our Data and Analytics Leadership Annual Executive Survey 2023.

Mastering the Future of Work: Building a Successful Hybrid Workplace

Companies are embracing flexible hybrid work environments to cut overheads, enhance process efficiency, and optimize workforce productivity. Discover the hybrid workforce model, its benefits and challenges, and how it can benefit your business.

How to Keep Your Digital Transformation on Track to Meet Business Outcomes

Executing successful digital business transformation can be a daunting prospect. An unoptimized approach risks impairing transformation efforts. Focusing on priority areas that need serious attention can mitigate such risks.

Surveying the state of SASE in 2022

Read the insight paper to find out everything you need to know about SASE