This radar focuses on GenAI French startups, the full publication is only available in French.

Wavestone presents its second edition of the Radar of French ‘Generative AI’ Startups. Discover the radar trends analyzed by our experts, as well as the key figures for this fast-growing market.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI uses deep learning to create new data that resembles the training data. The generative AI market is projected to reach a global market value of $66 billion in 2024, with an estimated market growth of +48.4%.

2024 Radar of French startups in Generative AI

Technological panorama of startups

We asked the 88 surveyed startups to provide us with more details about their products. Text-to-text-based virtual assistant solutions dominate the market because they are the most mature and highly sought-after solutions. The use of multiple LLMs (large language models) allows them to optimize their product by leveraging the strengths of each model within a single tool.

Diverse expectations from clients and users

Although the costs associated with the development and implementation of generative AI tools can be an obstacle for many companies, more than half of the respondents believe that this technology offers significant opportunities.

A market still cautious

The 88 startups surveyed seem to have prepared for the arrival of the European regulation on AI (AI Act), however their clients still seem hesitant to adopt Generative AI products due to a lack of acculturation and availability of client-side collaborators.

Key figures


startups identified


years old on average




emerging sectors


For their contribution to this Radar, special thanks to Claire Delgove, Ruiya Li, Maxence Bacquart, Rabah Laredj, Aurélie Law-Yen, Baptiste Durand, Clémence Rey, and Dylan Seetaloo. We would also like to thank all the startups who took part in this radar survey.